3 Things I learnt at UC Berkeley

An incredible journey of 9 months

Venkat Raju P
4 min readMay 21, 2020
Sather Gate, south side

I still recall that day in August. My brother-in-law dropped me off at the campus housing. He said, “Make something great out of this one year you have, not everyone gets a chance to be here.” Fast forward to today, I can say I graduated with a sense of satisfaction & that’s great enough. I haven’t secured a job yet and am challenged with converting an interview call for full-time roles in Product / DataAnalytics space.

But hey, being content is a very personal feeling. Do I have to attach my own expectations in life to it? Well, No! My cohort & I successfully accomplished our master's education despite several unprecedented misfortunes that hit us constantly.

Lesson 1: Shit happens

  1. California Wildfires had us cancel almost 2 weeks of classes in Fall 2019
  2. To top it all, the COVID-19 displaced us all. Many of my friends flew to their home countries. We had our most crucial career fairs canceled.
  3. The economic downturn due to the lockdown leading to recession and offers rescinded.
  4. The overall Job market slump that has caused us (International students) great uncertainty and a call for patience.

My journey at Berkeley was not just about building academic skillset & potential but I had to develop my capacity to handle what we call “life”. We have to be prepared and mentally fit, no matter what. And when there is no other way to avoid that lesson, you learn it faster.

Lesson 2: It matters who you surround yourself with

Memorial Glade, Near University Library

Berkeley is what it is because of the students they recruit. It's not just about the professors, location, or the services the campus offer.

The campus is charged with activity & students walking about busily. I often see smiles, laughter, focus, tears, picnics, and protests.

As social animals, we are often motivated or de-motivated by each other. Did you push for an extra situp at the gym? Did you choose the sugar beverage instead of a fruit smoothie? Did you figure out that Homework problem together? It's simple! People influence and you ought to make sure you are filtering the right ones to enter your mental space.

Lesson 3: Learn & get shit done

North reading room, University Library

I visit the library when I am de-motivated. I feel there is a synergy of focus that makes learning seamless. I see students crunching in hours, forgetting about what time of the day it is, mental worries, personal life, and just focussing on understanding that one concept they couldn’t crack!

I fed off that invisible energy to stay productive, calm, and most importantly get validation that its okay to NOT KNOW. Everyone Googles, watch Youtube videos, subscribe to Datacamp to learn! I wasn’t alone. Sometimes, you end up opening 20~30 tabs to get clarity on a concept and that is totally okay! So, you are not stupid, you might just be lazy. When I realized this, I felt a sense of belonging, learned more efficiently, and inadvertently become focussed.

I learned others make checklists too, they have personal problems, feel stressed, and yet they complete their immigration forms, file taxes, submit assignments & apply for jobs even if they are beaten down constantly in life.

That reminds me of a favorite quote: “ No matter how you feel, wake up, dress up, show up & never give up”.

My time at Berkeley might be short but these lessons are here to stay long.

So Congratulations to us all, Class of 2020.

We are graduating with a pinch of salt in the sweetness, but it is an essential mineral.



Venkat Raju P

Passion for Products, Data Science, Entrepreneurship, Physics and Photography. Driven by people psychology & human-centered thinking.